In News

This year, we have not even met the minimum of six participants to qualify for state.

Please spread the word to your homeschooler friends!

From our website:


All members of WHEN may participate in the National Geographic Bee. Please fill out this google form if you can volunteer or would like your child to participate

When: January 24 4:00-6:00 (NEW TIME)

Where: Orem Public Library

Here’s a little info about the bee:

The National Geographic GeoBee is an annual competition designed to inspire and reward students’ curiosity about the world.

Students in grades four through eight (4-8) from nearly 10,000 schools across the United States will compete in the 2019 National Geographic GeoBee for a chance to win college scholarships and the glory of being the National Geographic GeoBee Champion. The National Geographic GeoBee includes three levels of competition; school, state, and national. Schools conduct a GeoBee and name a school champion. The school champion takes a proctored online qualifying test and the top 100 ranked students in each state qualify to represent their school at the state level GeoBee competition. State champions then travel to National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C., to compete in the national championship.

Registration is open now and will close *January 19th*

Here are some games and resources you can use to prepare:



You can also go to www.nationalgeographic.org/bee/study/

Contact Us

Thank you so much for reaching out to us here at WHEN (Wasatch Home Educators Network.) We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. - The W.H.E.N. Team

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