September 2nd at 10am Mountain Time Introduction to Chef Brad’s Cooking with Children Free Class In this Free Virtual Class I will set the stage for this series of Children’s cooking classes with directions and outline of how they will work. This is designed to get the children excited about cooking and what is to […]
 Bread Making 101 Click on picture to find out how to register for the Bread Making Class Click on picture to find out how to register for the Bread Making Class
Join us for a Mentor Night with Danielle and Andy Huff of 4D Learning Academy. 4D Learning Academy is the loving creation of Andy and Danielle Huff. Here they offer homeschoolers those extra amazing classes that you are longing for you kids to have. Taste of Tech, Art of Language, Lego Steam, Mathematics and Engineering […]
WHEN is partnering with various faith-based groups across Utah to bring you a unique look into the history of many religious entities in our beautiful state. We are excited to bring you a unique virtual tour of Temple Square in Salt Lake City! On September 21 at 11am, sister missionaries for the Church of Jesus […]
WHEN and BYU are proud to present our second live webcast of the year! Please make sure you can view emails from Emails with links to the Zoom webcast will be sent out the night before, and again the day of the event. Check your spam folders! ***BYU records their webcasts for training purposes, […]
Ticket Sales Extended to Sept. 29 at 2pm Please go to SCERA.ORG to review their COVID-19 guidelines. Purchase your tickets below. (Ticket sales end September 28th at 11:59pm)
Ticket Sales Extended to Sept. 29 at 2pm Please go to SCERA.ORG to review their COVID-19 guidelines. Purchase your tickets below. (Ticket sales end September 28th at 11:30p.m.)
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- The W.H.E.N. Team