The Homeschool Science Fair has two main categories: (1) Science and (2) Engineering.
Science projects ask a question, form a hypothesis, and then do experiments to test that hypothesis.
Engineering projects identify a problem and then solve it with an invention, making better and better prototypes along the way.
One of the questions frequently asked about the Science Fair is how the projects are judged and scored. The two different categories have two different scoring rubrics.
These are the rubrics used at the Central Utah STEM Fair (the Homeschool Science Fair will have similar rubrics):
You’ll notice that out of 100 points, the interview is worth 25 points, the poster is worth 10 points, the initial research question is worth 10 points, etc. You will want to familiarize yourself with the rubrics, so that as you help your child with their project, you make sure they’re covering all the requirements and focusing on the right things.