• bshep
    July 27, 2020 at 10:12 pm #4559

    Many parents feel overwhelmed in these uncertain times. Homeschoolers share their experience to help you take control of the 2020-2021 year. Join us at this mini-conference on Aug 1st.

    In this mini-conference, seasoned homeschoolers will present their experience and provide the tools you need to move forward with your homeschooling journey. The information will be primarily directed towards parents, but families and individuals are welcome to attend any or all presentations. We hope to provide families with the options they don’t know about to decide what is the best route for their families.

    Come learn about the different ways to homeschool, how to handle difficult situations, taking care of yourself, and what a “normal” schedule might look like. Various curricula will be available to peruse, with information on how to buy them for yourself.
    Follow the link for more information.


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by bshep.
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