There’s still time to register!2020-08-282020-08-28 Online
WHEN is all about giving our members access to amazing educational adventures – we’ve got two FREE ones coming up next week, with many more to come!
On Monday, August 31st we will be having our first live webcast with the BYU Bean Museum! They are so excited to be partnering with us this year!
Then on Wednesday, September 2nd, join us for a FREE cooking lesson with Chef Brad! WHEN members also have exclusive access to a discount code that allows them to receive 10% off future lessons throughout the month of September!
Check out our calendar at and stay tuned for many more fun, unique, and engaging events from WHEN!
Thank you so much for reaching out to us here at WHEN (Wasatch Home Educators Network.)
We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.
- The W.H.E.N. Team